Golden Advice
Before You Set Off to
Explore The World

Cover Golden Advice Hadjicostis

Insights From a Seasoned World Traveler and Philosopher

• Nicos’s golden travel advices

• Explore the world with the best mindset

• Maximize your travel experience

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Nicos’s Tuesday Letters are essays that invite you to explore existential questions, inspire you to think differently, and occasionally aim to awaken the latent world-traveler within you.

I subscribe to a lot of email newsletters, but Nicos’s Tuesday Letters are my favorite. They always make me think a little differently about the world and humanity.
– Tara Gadomski, Actor, Writer, Radio Journalist


For me, Tuesday is Philosophical-News Day, as I eagerly open up Nicos’s Tuesday Letter and read this modern Greek philosopher’s views on all things worldly and other-worldly. It’s always stimulating and inspiring.
– Daniel Klein, NYT Best-selling author of “Travels with Epicurus”


Each letter poses a question, and then draws on ideas from science, culture, philosophy and history (to name only a few of the fields Nicos mines) to flesh out its meaning for our lives. The essays are rich with intellectual curiosity, as well as a deep feeling of love for (and faith in) humanity. I look forward to Tuesdays, because I know that Nicos’s letter will give me an excuse to set aside time to simply reflect and… wonder.
– David Rogers, Yoga Teacher

Stop and reflect, it is Tuesday’s alarm call for reflection!. These Letters are sudden bursts to the examined life!
– Titos Christodoulou, Philosopher


The Tuesday Letters are inspirational, thought provoking, addictive. With subjects ranging from science to art and from psychology to contemporary life, they make you see things you thought you knew from a completely new perspective.
– Antonis Bartsiokas, Professor, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece


With every letter, Nicos weaves disparate ideas to create an original thesis that keeps me thinking for days. A unique reprieve from my busy schedule.
– Meredith Gansrow, Entrepreneur


Nicos is a “Deep Explorer.” He dives deep into what it means to be a human being on this Earth, never taking his existence – or where he is – for granted. I’m always eager to see what inner and outer roads Nicos takes me on in his Tuesday Letters.
– Margaret Wakely,

© 2024 Nicos Hadjicostis